Well, a little bit, but it's not that hard to find your footing, once you get the hang of the thing.
The basic set-up of this type of show is that the teams are given different tasks to complete, and whoever finishes a task first wins that round. You accumulate points for winning a round and for doing other tasks, and at the end of every round the two teams with the lowest scores are eliminated. The team with the highest score at the end wins, usually because it's the only team left by that time.
Sound like fun? Mm, well, I think it's probably more fun to watch than to play. The emphasis is on high drama -- cheating is fine if you get away with it, messing with other teams is freely practiced, and everyone is encouraged to go into the "Confession Booth" and snarl, sneer, jeer, and weep for the entertainment of the viewing public.
Me, I'd rather watch SpongeBob.